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Official Confinement Food Partner

Zuo Yue Food

Zuo Yue Food (ZYF) is the 1st confinement food service in Singapore to provide tingkat (subscriptions) for mummies after childbirth and ala-carte delivery for all ages. Rooted in Malaysian Hakka-Cantonese traditional style, ZYF meals are highly beneficial in strengthening the post-natal body, expelling toxins, and providing essential nourishment to aid your recovery journey.

Add on Clookies' milk-boosters to your ZYF confinement meals (at a special rate) to make it complete!


Click here to learn more! Limited orders available per month, make sure to book in advance!

Official Confinement Centre Partner

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Clover Suites

The Clover Suites consists of 9 Luxury Suites with its own ensuite bathroom, walk-in wardrobe, dedicated nursery care given by trained professional care-givers and even its own in-house premium spa and saloon. Truly a well-deserved stay for new mums looking to recuperate post-birth and to pick-up child-caring tips!


As a true pro-breastfeeding centre, The Clover Suites provides complimentary breastfeeding classes and unlimited lactation bakes from Clookies for all mummies that stay with them! 

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Prices starts from $7,888 for a 14-day stay!

*slots are fully booked till June 2022, enquire early to avoid disappointment!

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Official Post-Natal Recovery Partner

Orchard Clinic

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Orchard Clinic is a new treatment concept, offering high quality conservative care for women's postpartum body recovery.

As a specialised treatment centre for women, Orchard Clinic helps to assess, prevent and treat common conditions such as incontinence, pelvic floor issues, abdominal separation (diastasis recti) and vaginal laxity.

Consultation starts from $128.40

You will be advised during your initial visit on the treatment options available based on your condition.

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Store & Contact

183 Jalan Pelikat #B1-32

Singapore 537643

+65 9109 9724

© 2022 by Clookies

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