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Can you drink plain water during confinement?


Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Confinement Myth:

Drinking plain water during confinement will increase water retention in the body, causing the body temperature to go down. This is believed to lead to “wind” entering the body.

The Truth:

Mothers need to stay hydrated, especially if they’re breastfeeding. A normal adult needs 8 glasses of water a day. Breastfeeding mums should take at least that amount plus a little more. To meet your hydration needs, you should take at least 1 glass of water after every breastfeeding session (which is 8 – 10 times a day).

Myth debunked by:

Dr Clara Ong (obstetrician & gynaecologist at Gleneagles Hospital)


Clookies Says:

Drink at least 3L to 4L of liquids a day!

It can be in the form of water, red dates tea or soup, just drink up!

Our Mummies report an increase in milk supply when they follow our consumption guide plus increase their liquid intake! Limit your caffeine intake to maximum 2 cups a day, or completely eliminate it if your little one has trouble sleeping!

You will be feeling extremely thirsty after every feeding or pumping session, so drink and drink!

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